Jul 20, 2010

Our Wreath Gets Around

So excited and honored to have I Love Factory's White Dahlia (worn by yours truly) sketched by Richard Haines!!!

Check out his beautiful art on his blog What I Saw Today.

Castles and Carousels

Jul 1, 2010

Creativity Has No Boundaries

Our hyper talented and creative friend Lindsay Jones has so many reasons to celebrate this week! We are so excited for the launch of the new Outlaws Of The Border website, her recent press write up by fashion journalist about town Colleen Nika for Vevant, and her recent video for one of our favorite sites Style Like U.

Lindsay has been hard at work on the new site for quite some time and it shows!!! Congrats Lindsay Jones! We love you!

Oh, and for a more in-depth look into her creative genius check out her blog Diamond Bones.